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North Waltham School

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Our Values

  •  Manners
  • Growth mindset
  •  Respect
  •  Social responsibility
  •  Perseverance
  •  Happiness
  •  Co-operation
  • Honesty


  • Develop every child's abilities.
  • Challenge each child to achieve their best.
  • Develop pupils as imaginative and critical thinkers.
  • For children to operate as independent learners and thinkers
  • Provide a wide range of experiences including cultural and sporting opportunities.
  • Promote, respect and value intercultural diversity.
  • Give pupils clear guidance on acceptable standards of behaviour and manners.
  • Create a safe learning environment.
  • To provide a relevant and purposeful curriculum.
  • Prepare pupils thoroughly for secondary school.
  • To ensure pupils are ICT literate.
  • To inspire a passion for learning.

Promote, respect and value intercultural diversity.